When an Historian wants to delve into predicting the future, he or she may only look at the past. There was a time when people fought each other with clubs. Time advanced and men then fought with spears, bows and arrows, then swords. The use of gunpowder allowed men to fight each other with guns, then cannons, then extremely accurate artillery, then moving to missiles and rockets. Now in the age of the Hydrogen bomb, and the use of laboratory-created viruses, has made biological war the most efficient method of ending life of the masses. Instead of working feverishly to compete in making the most lethal means of killing one another, why do we not address the issues that initiate hatred, mayhem, and wars?
I use “cultures” as a means of identifying how seeds of hatred, bias and ill intent are introduced into a small culture, such as a family; or larger cultures, friends, schoolmates, teachers, politicians. There are not only small pockets of Hate Seeds; there as those larger; militant groups and even an entire political entity. Trillions of dollars are spent trying to correct the ills of society; not by addressing the disease, but the symptoms. If a child is taught from the time he or she can interpret language, that a human is identified by one label or another, as something vile, evil, and a danger to the world; the results are the rising of violent acts against people who are simply different. The disease of hate, in this case, is taught and absorbed from the “cultures” inhabited by any one individual. Religions were meant as a corrective remedy to such teachings. When a religion adopts hate as an ideology, that ideology and the impending deaths brought by those sanctioning it, is the root cause. Teach hatred enough to a vulnerable mind and that mind can be used as a foot soldier for change; that change not always being beneficial. Look at the media, politicians, and educators today. These are “cultures” from which hatred is sown. And, as is historically true, their intent is to sow violence against those who wish to check their efforts of Totalitarianism. Examples are: Hitler Youth, Mao’s Cultural Revolution, and American college and university students supporting Islamic terrorism and practicing racist dogmas.
To remove the hate, start at the roots. For a parent, this means paying a great deal of attention to the “cultures” influencing their child. For the adult, it means researching news events from multiple perspectives. Once a single perspective is the only one allowable, the seed germinates. From my study of history, many of the seeds come from foreign cultures. The most damaging domestic culture influencing hatred in America, goes by the ironic name of “The Democrat Party.” Study enough history and it is plain as day. My ten political diaries cover this in detail. The Democrat Party, in its entirety, weaves as dark a web as any evil, power-hungry person throughout time. How they earn roughly half the American voters to their side only confirms the effectiveness of their taught hatred and “Targeted Dictatorship (Christians/Jews, heterosexuals, parents, Caucasians, etc..”)
(Picture: Senate Democrat beats Senate Republican in Congress – 1856. Nothing has changed since)
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Published Political Diaries by CG Kellerman:

2015 – I Saw it Coming;2006 to 2014
September 13, 2006
“The President’s 9/11 speech mentioned a call for unity in fighting worldwide terror. The sun had hardly risen the next day before the critics lined up in the media and on the net to blast his nationwide address.”

2016 – Groupthink versus Truth
Taxes and Spending:
Where we are: First, it must be impressed upon American citizens that: Government has NO money!
There are three ways Government can have money to spend; by taxing the citizens, by borrowing or by just printing it out of thin air, (to be discussed later). Please keep that in mind as you read on.

2017 – I Am Not Alone; Year 2016
Jan. 18, 2016
“Just What You Would Expect: In the recent Republican debate, two candidates used the word “child” in describing the President’s behavior. Liberal media changed it, telling people they called him “boy”, as a derogatory racial remark. Can the Liberal media ever be truthful?”

2018 – My Year as a Conservative Refugee
“We would never experience the advances in medicine to fight Cancer if Cancer had never existed. The United States may have never existed if the Colonies found no upset with the English Crown. Global wars would never have been fought if men and women of planet Earth were all compassionate and caring. All of history plays out for us – creating instances of human understanding and harmony – or creating pain, suffering and bloodshed due to greed and lust for power.”

2019 – America’s 2nd Civil War
“What happens if Socialism wins? What happens if not in the 2020 Election but the Socialists win in the 2024 Election? What happens in history when a country elects or is submitted to Socialism, individual freedoms begin to be sucked away and transferred to those in Government, who will make life’s decisions for people that at one time made those decisions as individual citizens.”

2020 – Two Years Behind the Mask
“It is this Mask of Deception that I refer to in this two-year diary of events in our local, State and National Governments. A person of influence, be they a news anchor or a politician, may easily don a Mask of deception when telling lies about what they do, or telling lies about what other people do.”

2021 – Upheaval
“My notes of 2020 are now coming to an end. I have documented Liberal insanity since the beginning of the year. I have never seen such group evil demonstrated against Americans as I have via the Mainstream Media; the entire Democrat Party and wealthy Elitists who couldn’t rationalize themselves out of a paper bag.”

2022 – Road to Dictatorship
The New KKK
“No, we’re not talking hooded riders in the night; no Grand Wizards as such. The new KKK is Kooks, Krackpots and Kommunists. I thought folks might wonder about the comparison but there is plenty of ammunition in my arsenal to point out the obvious.”

2023 – The Bitter Pill of Dictatorship
“We in a Representative Republic elect our leaders to carry on the day-to-day business that would otherwise demand our nearly constant attention – having to vote en masse on any bill put forth in the country. Of course, we do not do that, but let those elected to make those decisions for us. When politicians claim this or that action by those in Congress means the “end of Democracy,” they are the same liars that tell you one thing to garner your vote, then do otherwise once elected.”

2024 – “Witnessing the Fall”
Yale to offer single-gender dorms after Muslim students voiced concerns
“The Yale College Housing Office is in charge of housing for the entire College, with the goal of standardizing the selection process,” the letter stated. “However, Yale does not appear to deem religious accommodations a necessary part of this standard.”

2025 “Four Years in Freefall” Detailing in nearly 4,000 pages, the Biden Presidency. (privately published only)
“BREAKING UPDATE: Voter Registration Citizenship Check Failure in Arizona Affected 218,000 Voters NOT The Previously Claimed 98,000
The Arizona Secretary of State’s Office announced Monday night that approximately 120,000 more voter registrations were discovered to have not been checked for citizenship, more than double the previous estimate.“
Fiction Publications by CG Kellerman

“A Warping of Space and Crime”
Personal and Autobiographical Publications by CG Kellerman

Games created for family and friends by CG Kellerman