Fiction, Non-Fiction and Autobiographical. All published and sold by
My first effort at book writing. What is was like growing up in a small town in the 1950's. Written for the good folks in Bristol, Indiana.
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Written for my Grandson; boyhood in Indiana, young adulthood in Chicago and our remaining years in Florida.
After studying many religions this is my personal take on an Almighty. Many might not agree with my conclusions
Currently out of print
One for the kids and one for laughs
A coming of age story with my boyhood town as a backdrop. With a little Native American folklore added.
As a Nursing Assistant and co-habitating with my Mother-in-law, humor in pictures always helped patients and Mom over some worrisome times in life.
A short-lived small newspaper. Many articles were provided by my Distributors, totaling 33 over three counties. Now all writings are in books or on the Internet.
Watching Leadership Go Astray
After 9-11 I started an intense scrutiny of what was happening in politics; the good and the bad. This is a collection of my writings on this subject over nine years.
“I Am Not Alone” combines my Conservative Journal writings of 2016 and is interspersed with articles written and posted on my website; Perhaps this writing may be absorbed some thirty years on, to see how, what leaders do today affects our children and grandchildren.
The entire message of this book has to do with the destroying power of Liberalism – or, known by its current description – Progressivism. Don’t be charmed by its seemingly innocuous label. Liberal policies destroy nations. History proves this time and again. When we don’t pay attention - we too are swept up in its destructive wave.
Who is doing what with your tax dollars
If you study history you will see it all, over and over again – because there is no visible identification that separates good from evil. Had our creator made everyone who was a liar, a cheat, a thief, a child-molester or a murderer have his or her skin made purple – the task would be simplified.
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Will we remain Capitalist or will we enter into Socialism? The Electoral College will determine our direction in November of 2020 – barring any illegality on part of the Left-wing states, even now conspiring to keep one candidate off the Presidential ballot, purely in an illegal and unconstitutional way.
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My reference to Masks is those worn by those with a political agenda. The agenda I discuss is totally that espoused by a Left-wing movement in America, primarily an attempt by the Democrat Party and a sycophant, propagandist media, to overthrow the President of the United States with made up charges and imagined law-breaking.
We are not a Democracy but a Representative Republic
“Nowhere in the world has Socialism/Communism represented a Utopia for those under its yoke. Yet, Americans, in far greater number, have voted for that eventuality. Don’t count on the American public being informed as their freedoms and economic standing is diminished. The bulk of the media and social media certainly will not tell you what is really happening.”
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My unpublished political diary - loaded with curse words and political uncorrectness. It follows the last year of the Trump presidency. This would never get past the censors.
Coming early in 2022. These articles narrate the attempts by Democrats to overrun the Constitution - actions that are already being witnessed.
To purchase
In an imaginary world, anything is possible
The stories cover Fantasy, Science Fiction and Future Fiction. Some of my favorite authors were Edgar Rice Burroughs, Isaac Asimov and Robert Heinlein. Adding to my imagination were the works of Rod Serling, Gene Roddenberry and M. Knight Shamalyan. These may not be of that caliber but I enjoyed writing them nonetheless.
Using the lessons of history in fiction provides a writer with a litany of precedent in order to form stories of what may come in the future. With very little skill required, a reader of my stories would see my blatant reference to forthcoming events that have real events as their bedrock. Other stories simply come into my mind, or in the case of the “Challworth Incident” – the story came nearly in its entirety in a dream.
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The Mound- The location from one of my first books, “Margaret”, is borrowed once again for this story of imagination. The Traveler- A tale that can happen today, tomorrow or any day in the near future. Just keep an open mind as to what may be that cannot be seen. Water Wars- The year is 2880 and the world has gone through dramatic changes. Follow our young hero and heroine as they face off against the odds of survival. Renaissance-
The mind is a terrible thing
Six tales of fiction by C.G. Kellerman
By using your imagination, any type of world can be made to exist.
Two planets, given birth at the same time eons ago, ended up with different cultures and societies. Once space travel brought visitation between the two worlds, there came the inevitable clash of cultures. The Regent of planet Nesia faces internal turmoil and bids his Bodyguard to take his Son, the Prince Regent, to the safety of the Bodyguard’s native planet, Daniff. The Bodyguards’ task; to shape and mold the Prince Regent for his future, and the inevitable dangers.
Two brief Science Fiction stories. The first, "Precipice" deals with Globalism and the dangerous intrigue behind it. While this story is imagined there are forces at work now in the World meaning to achieve what is offered as Fiction.
In the "Spacesex" story, an adult oriented tale of murder, sex and lies at an international Space Station. Again, a former character is revived to track down the bad guys and bring them to justice.
Can God save the planet?
Since the GU, or Great Upheaval, when countries fell into civil wars, rioting, the burning and looting of many cities worldwide had split political factions along four significant people; the Whites, Blacks and Browns, Asians and followers of Islam.
But in 2064, something amazing happens.
Planned publication; February 2022
Blackjack combines crime-solving with a little bit of the paranormal. The setting is my old Chicago neighborhood on the south side.
To solve a murder, our young hero must accept the help of a spirit.
Three Science Fiction short stories plus one added fro a surprise. In the first, the question is, what happens when nature hiccups. The second is a Moon Base murder mystery; the third is a third telling of a Sally Gllenn mystery. The fourth; well, ,that's a surprise.
" To dispel the myths of the media, for the bazillionth time, we are not a Democracy,! We are in a Representative Republic. This means we name (vote for) people to go to Washington to represent us. If our elected leaders are screwing things up, it is due to the choices YOU made for who would be in charge."
2016 - Sally Glenn – The first appearance of the psychic mom who sustains a bump on the head in a backyard accident.
2019 - The Traveler – Called upon to help in a DNA related murder, Sally’s psychic abilities are put to the test by a very sly, evil entity.
2021 - Precipice - Shenanigans in New England as Sally and husband, Carl, become immersed in a mystery with global ramifications.
2022 - The New Conquistadors – From a little incident could come something earth-shattering.
2023 - The Whirlwind - Reaping what some have sown. Namely, world leaders, the wealthy and those with an agenda.
Just when you think you're done writing, your head gets filled with imaginary things when your head hits the pillow
Coming later this year, three tales:
-Sentient Earth: Can Earth rebel?
-2084: 100 years after Orwell's classic
-A Little Dot on the Map: Should we be told everything, in spite of the danger?
My Political Diary for 2023 including my predictions for what lies ahead, if we don not change course.
During the Pandemic lock downs and at the same time not appreciating how electronic devices are so ubiquitous, I created five games using dice and playing cards to keep people occupied with something that did not need to be plugged in.
I Saw It Coming - An Historical Narrative 2006-2014
I Am Not Alone - The Election Year of 2016
Groupthink vs Truth
2017 - My Year as a Conservative Refugee (Conneting the Dots in the Communist Revolution)
America's 2nd Civil War
Upheaval A Diary of America changing in 2020
Road to Dictatorship - America's Destruction is Reborn
The Bitter Pill of Dictatorship - Forecasting our leap from Democrasy to Dictatorship
Witnessing the Fall
Ten Stories and Falling
Kellerman's Five of a Kind
Four Events in Time
Science, Soldiers, Saviors and Serendipity
Precipice A Sally Glenn Mystery
Three to Get Ready
A Warping of Crime and Space
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